10 Things To Do During Lockdown
Below is a list of 10 things we think you would love to do during lockdown

1. Set Goals
Productivity is about progress - it's about breaking our long-term goals down into daily action so that we can grow and develop.
2. Learn a language
Remember all those times you said you'd learn Italian, Spanish or French but just couldn't find a spare minute? Here's your chance. With a wide selection of YouTube videos and online tutorials at your disposal, why not use this time to learn a completely new language.
3. Learn to cook
David Beckham, Geri Horner and Henry Cavill are among those using their time in lockdown to improve upon their cooking skills. With an array of recipe books at your disposal, you can start with the basics and work your way up to Michelin star dishes.
4. Take up photography
Always wanted to learn but never found the time? View life through a different lens as you capture all the important moments - big or small - on camera.
5. Make a bucket list
Think positive and look ahead to sunnier days by making a bucket list. Rather than wallowing in your pyjamas for the fifth day in a row (we've all been there) change your outlook and reflect on all of the things you'll be able to do once lockdown restrictions are lifted.
6. Learn to play an instrument
Dust off that keyboard you got for Christmas last year, re-tune that guitar you've had for god knows how long and begin to fill your days with the sound of music. With so much free time, it's never been easier to pick up a new skill.
7. Write a novel
The idea of writing a novel is one which can often seem daunting. How many of us have opened Word, stared at a blank page for a while and then admitted defeat? Enough is enough. Writing can be an incredibly therapeutic practice and one which can help to pass the time. Who knows, you might even be the next J.K. Rowling?
8. Start a blog
You can never go wrong with writing a blog. Whether you're using it as an online writing portfolio, a space to share your passions or as an opportunity to try something new, it's time to get those creative juices flowing
9. Do some gardening
Sick of spending all your time indoors? Transform your garden into a tranquil space so that you can venture outside for some much-needed R&R
10. Clear out your kitchen cupboards
Do a Stacey Solomon and organise the entire contents of your kitchen cupboards. Check the expiration dates on those canned goods at the back, clear out that junk drawer you've been avoiding or go the whole hog and colour coordinate your spice rack! Stacey loves labelling her kitchen drawers - get your hands on some personalised labels or make them yourself using a label maker. You know what they say - tidy kitchen, tidy mind.